Артемий Лебедев
§ 162. Творческий кризис
16 февраля 2010
Поставим простой эксперимент. Произнесем без остановки вслух все известные нам слова (или попросим это сделать приятеля). Первые десять слов найдутся сразу. Потом мы начнем искать и перечислять объекты в комнате — еще штук десять. Потом мы вспомним пару необычных слов из дальних углов словарного запаса. А потом мы остановимся, потому что слова кончатся.
Если мы попробуем описать своими словами любое известное нам явление, никакого дефицита слов не возникнет. Кто-то опишет хорошо, кто-то плохо — это и определит уровень исполнителя. Но никто не сможет остановиться в поисках следующего нужного слова в простом повествовании.
Кризис идей может возникнуть только в том случае, если дизайнер ставит перед собой цель придумывать что-либо оригинальное и необычное.
Оригинальное и необычное нельзя придумать — оно может появиться только само в процессе работы над поставленной задачей. Точно так же отличается перечисление слов от рассказа.
Творческий кризис — это тупик бессмысленного пути.
Source: http://www.artlebedev.ru/kovodstvo/sections/162/
*kseniadas: notepad
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
about color
Primary Colors are the main colors needed to mix all other colors. Primary colors come in sets of 3 because of they way the receptors in human eyes work, we have 3 independent channels in the cones of our eyes for conveying color information to the brain.
This is the traditional artists' color wheel, also know as the RYB Color Model, or Artists Color. It was originally used for light, and pigment, and to describe how human eyes see light. It's not actually accurate for light, or pigment or eyesight, but it still remains the primary color model that artists refer to.
Subtractive Color is the color model used with paints, dyes, inks, and other mediums to create a full range of colors. Each medium 'creates' color by subtracting (absorbing) specific wavelengths of light and reflecting the others. The color that a surface displays depends on which colors of the spectrum are reflected for our eyes to see, and what colors are subtracted.
While the Traditional RYB color model is technically a Subtractive system, when people use the term Subtractive Color, they are most often referring to the CYM or CYMK color model used in printing.
When the primary colors of a Subtractive Color model are mixed, they produce black. (in an ideal world)
Additive Color is the color model used with light emitted directly from sources combining to create a full range of colors. Lights 'create' color by adding (combining) wavelengths to produce a new wavelength, or color.
While a deep understanding of Additive Color is not necessary for the beginner colorist, it does help to explain how different light sources in your art will interact with each other. Additive color is often counter-intuitive to people used to traditional paint mixing.
This is the traditional artists' color wheel, also know as the RYB Color Model, or Artists Color. It was originally used for light, and pigment, and to describe how human eyes see light. It's not actually accurate for light, or pigment or eyesight, but it still remains the primary color model that artists refer to.
Subtractive Color is the color model used with paints, dyes, inks, and other mediums to create a full range of colors. Each medium 'creates' color by subtracting (absorbing) specific wavelengths of light and reflecting the others. The color that a surface displays depends on which colors of the spectrum are reflected for our eyes to see, and what colors are subtracted.
While the Traditional RYB color model is technically a Subtractive system, when people use the term Subtractive Color, they are most often referring to the CYM or CYMK color model used in printing.
When the primary colors of a Subtractive Color model are mixed, they produce black. (in an ideal world)
Additive Color is the color model used with light emitted directly from sources combining to create a full range of colors. Lights 'create' color by adding (combining) wavelengths to produce a new wavelength, or color.
While a deep understanding of Additive Color is not necessary for the beginner colorist, it does help to explain how different light sources in your art will interact with each other. Additive color is often counter-intuitive to people used to traditional paint mixing.
about Derrida
... постулировать и критиковать метафизичность оппозиций, и совсем другое — мыслить вне их, а тем более создать научную дисциплину без набора фундаментальных оппозиций. Эта неслыханной трудности задача была решена Деррида с блеском, но и не без серьезных потерь. Деррида видел старые метафизические оппозиции повсюду — даже у Хайдеггера, чья критика метафизики была так важна для него. Он говорил, например, что хайдеггеровское различие между бытием и сущим («онтико-онтологическое», как он выражался) — все та же метафизическая «отрыжка» прошлого. Решение, предложенное Деррида, имело две стороны. Первая — и наиболее поражающая воображение — касалась выработки им совершенно новых категорий, исключающих возможность мышления в оппозициях. Выработка этих понятий шла под знаком Малларме и отчасти Хайдеггера. Деррида стал использовать такие слова, которые заключали в себе взаимоисключающие смыслы (эта тема интересовала до него Фрейда). Например,
pharmakon — лекарство и яд, внешнее и внутреннее, слово и письмо одновременно; hymen — смешение и дистинкция, идентичность и различие, внешнее и внутреннее одновременно;
espacement — пространство и время одновременно и т. д. Эти странные категории, похожие на «неопределенные» слова Малларме, производили странное впечатление на неподготовленных читателей и делали его тексты (как и поэзию Малларме), по существу, непереводимыми. Мы просто не привыкли мыслить такими категориями.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Sie besitzen zwei Kühe. Ihr Nachbar besitzt keine.
Sie behalten eine und schenken Ihrem armen Nachbarn die andere. Danach bereuen Sie es.
Sie besitzen zwei Kühe. Ihr Nachbar besitzt keine.
Die Regierung nimmt Ihnen eine ab und gibt diese Ihrem Nachbarn. Sie werden gezwungen, eine Genossenschaft zu gründen, um Ihrem Nachbarn bei der Tierhaltung zu helfen.
Sie besitzen zwei Kühe. Ihr Nachbar besitzt keine.
Sie behalten eine und schenken Ihrem armen Nachbarn die andere. Danach bereuen Sie es.
Sie besitzen zwei Kühe. Ihr Nachbar besitzt keine.
Die Regierung nimmt Ihnen eine ab und gibt diese Ihrem Nachbarn. Sie werden gezwungen, eine Genossenschaft zu gründen, um Ihrem Nachbarn bei der Tierhaltung zu helfen.
Amerikanisches Unternehmen
Sie besitzen zwei Kühe.
Sie verkaufen eine und leasen sie zurück. Sie gründen eine
Aktiengesellschaft. Sie zwingen die beiden Kühe, das Vierfache an
Milch zu geben. Sie wundern sich, als eine tot umfällt. Sie geben eine
Presseerklärung heraus, in der Sie erklären, Sie hätten Ihre Kosten um
50% gesenkt. Ihre Aktien steigen.
Französisches Unternehmen
Sie besitzen zwei Kühe. Sie streiken, weil sie drei Kühe haben wollen. Sie gehen Mittagessen.
Das Leben ist schön.
Sie besitzen zwei Kühe.
Sie verkaufen eine und leasen sie zurück. Sie gründen eine
Aktiengesellschaft. Sie zwingen die beiden Kühe, das Vierfache an
Milch zu geben. Sie wundern sich, als eine tot umfällt. Sie geben eine
Presseerklärung heraus, in der Sie erklären, Sie hätten Ihre Kosten um
50% gesenkt. Ihre Aktien steigen.
Französisches Unternehmen
Sie besitzen zwei Kühe. Sie streiken, weil sie drei Kühe haben wollen. Sie gehen Mittagessen.
Das Leben ist schön.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The following letters are taken from an actual incident between a London hotel and one of its guests. The hotel ended up submitting the letters to the Sunday Times.
Dear Maid,
Please do not leave any more of those little bars of soap in my bathroom since I have brought my own bath-sized Imperial Leather.
Please remove the six unopened little bars from the shelf under the medicine chest and another three in the shower soap dish. They are in my way.
Thank you,
S. Berman
S. Berman
Dear Room 635,
I am not your regular maid. She will be back tomorrow, Thursday, from her day off.
I took the 3 hotel soaps out of the shower soap dish as you requested. The 6 bars on your shelf I took out of your way and put on top of your Kleenex dispenser in case you should change your mind. This leaves only the 3 bars I left today which my instructions from the management are to leave 3 soaps daily.
I took the 3 hotel soaps out of the shower soap dish as you requested. The 6 bars on your shelf I took out of your way and put on top of your Kleenex dispenser in case you should change your mind. This leaves only the 3 bars I left today which my instructions from the management are to leave 3 soaps daily.
I hope this is satisfactory.
Relief Maid
Relief Maid
Dear Maid
I hope you are my regular maid.
Apparently Kathy did not tell you about my note to her concerning the little bars of soap. When I got back to my room this evening, I found you had added 3 little Camays to the shelf under my medicine cabinet.
I am going to be here in the hotel for two weeks and have brought my own bath-size Imperial Leather, so I won't need those 6 little Camays, which are on the shelf. They are in the way when shaving, brushing teeth etc.
Please remove them.
S. Berman
Language Notes
* grammatical number
"Number" is the singularity or plurality of a noun or verb or what have you. Today, in English, we only have two categories of grammatical number, singular and plural. There used to be a third category, called "dual," which was used to indicate the "twoness" of something. Hence, there were pronouns not only for "I" and "we" but also "we two". This feature has dropped out of most Indo-European languages, but is apparently present in modern Arabic.
* Chinese "we"
Chinese has two pronouns both used to express we: (1) The "we" that includes the listener (and possibly others) and (2) the "we" that includes the speaker and one or more others, but not the listener. Thus: (1) John, it's great that you and I both liked that movie we just saw. (2) John, my husband and I saw a movie last night. We recommend it!
This is a great example of how some conceptual distinctions are given more weight in some languages than in others; of how some meaning is implicit and some is explicit; of the role of context in communication.
"Number" is the singularity or plurality of a noun or verb or what have you. Today, in English, we only have two categories of grammatical number, singular and plural. There used to be a third category, called "dual," which was used to indicate the "twoness" of something. Hence, there were pronouns not only for "I" and "we" but also "we two". This feature has dropped out of most Indo-European languages, but is apparently present in modern Arabic.
* Chinese "we"
Chinese has two pronouns both used to express we: (1) The "we" that includes the listener (and possibly others) and (2) the "we" that includes the speaker and one or more others, but not the listener. Thus: (1) John, it's great that you and I both liked that movie we just saw. (2) John, my husband and I saw a movie last night. We recommend it!
This is a great example of how some conceptual distinctions are given more weight in some languages than in others; of how some meaning is implicit and some is explicit; of the role of context in communication.
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